Thursday, October 15, 2009

study,s tract

I accept that must try more and do activity for engllish learn,however some another student do quest than me.
this time (my scope is english class)appropriate season for us and if we dont use from that, I remote it back.
We sould avoid from time lost until dont become duress to teacher solicitation for us agreement.
We shoud stick belt firm and fly with mr zamani airplane until dont miss from his flight.
we shoud work rather and dont complain from techer tuition system becouse he has tuition background long and know that how management his class and students.
our culture is good culture but unfortunately different our action with our speech, our islamic culture call us to try and hope so we get up and do one active until god help us.

I hope prosperity for you that read me skimpy scrip.

see you ater...............................


  1. Nice move.
    I have good wish for you too.

  2. at The first, every body is responsible about itself.

    At the second others became important. Think about yourself. if you be able to grew yourself, you are able to help others.

    I think you should think and write in english. i Think your problem in English writing is, you think in persian and next, translate it to English.

    Think and Write in English.

    God bless you.
